Symantec Winfax stores faxes in the form of single files per page of the fax. After some years of using WinFax, the data directory can contain thousands of files which makes the task of backup very tedious.
It's not so much the storage size, as it is the sheer number of files which can take hours to write to another disk of backup to removable storage.
The WinFax SDK offers an opportunity to access the log database, walk thru the database, and compile faxes into multi-page files instead of multi file faxes.
this can significantly reduce backup time and can also make the data portable. WinFax filenaming conventions makes the files totally unusable outside the realms of the WinFax interface.
The meta WinFax Exporter does just this job. Optionally, the exporter can delete aged files which tend to clutter the WinFax interface. Exporters which rely totally on the file name sequence of the fax pages do not merge winfax files correctly.
Accessing the WinFax log is the only way to correctly merge the files of sent faxes. New version 1. 7 (as of 8 February 2007) provides non-English language support and the ability to export all root folders (not just send and Receive folders).
Download meta Winfax Exporter in Softonic